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Quantic Games

April, 2024

Quantic Games is a video game studio based in Bolivia. It is formed by a group of multi-discplinary artists who share their passion for video games. The main task of the studio is to create games with stories worth remembering. Working together, each of the members has equal rights to contribute creatively with the ideas and games that are created.

With Quantic Games, I have the main task to lead a team of talented artists to focus their skills to create games that provide amazing experiences. By working as the CEO of Quantic Games, I am constantly learning about the game industry and public relations to get funding for our projects. Being one of the founders, we believe that our main task is to be the first Bolivian studio to get international funding for a project created in-house.


At Quantic Games, I am in charge of:

  • Leading the creative process of the team by setting up collaborartion spaces to define tasks and track the progress of our work.
  • Be in charge of the team communication with external sources. Find funding opportunities and create pitch decks about the games we are developing. Represent the team in a public manner about our thoughts, values and work.
  • Manage all public relations that help us to develop our ideas further, find inspiration sources and partnerships.


  • In 2019, the team was accepted to be part of an Incubator for Game Studios organized by the Mayor’s Office of La Paz. Our game was one of the selected projects that took part for around 3 months in a program that helped us define the organization of our team.
  • In 2019, we won the award for Best Audio with the game Puma Punku. Worth of 3000USD, the prize was the result of team work. For around 13 days we worked in order to build the game that is planned to be our first public release.
  • In 2020, the studio got an scholarship provided by the Bolivian Videogame Association for attending to the Game Development Conference in San Francisco, LA. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the team was not able to attend.
  • In 2020, the studio got an scholarship provided by the Bolivian Videogame Association for attending to GameLab organised online and initially setup to happen in Barcelona, Spain. We used the opportunity to promote our project Puma Punku.

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Below you can check the Intro and Gameplay of the first version of the videogame.

Puma Punku - Gameplay